
In this fast pace life, where everyone is running in their own race, how often do we stop and notice the requirements of our body to keep us running, energy to keep up with daily tasks, and most important – Our Wellness. Wellness is different from health. We all know what health is, but how would you tell what wellness is? One search on the internet will give you an insight of various dimensions of wellness. There is no definitive definition of wellness, but the common belief is that, it is the positive choices we make in our lives to make it healthier and fulfilling. Wellness involves positivity towards mind, body and soul.


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Emotional Wellness

It involves wellness of feelings, thoughts, and behaviour. It lets you accept both the positive and negative aspects of a situation.

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Spiritual Wellness

Spiritual wellness allows us to stay in touch with our soul and inner self. It also lets you find meaning and purpose in life.

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Physical Wellness

Physical wellness keeps body in finest condition and shape. Through balanced diet, regular workout and by practicing self-control, it can be attained.

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Social Wellness

Social wellness is your skill to bond with others and maintain strong relationships. It can be achieved by being around people who bring out the best in you and with whom you can be comfortable with in social environments.

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Intellectual Wellness

Intellectual wellness is maintained by taking part in mentally stimulating activities that work up on your IQ. It can be attained by lifelong learning and being open to new ideas.

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Environmental Wellness

Environmental wellness is where you respect, and protect the world around you. It can be reached by conserving natural resources and taking extra measures to live environmentally friendly life.

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Occupational Wellness

Occupational wellness involves making the most of your workplace contentment by aiming on work that gives you joy, fulfilment, and triumph.

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Financial Wellness

Through financial wellness, money can be best managed. It can be done by understanding the sources of income and its efficient outflow.

Wellness has several dimensions

There are various ways & options in which, increase in body temperature and which can give prevention from the several harmful diseases

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Instead of treating an illness, practitioners strive to prevent disease in the first place. Subject to one's views about the body and the causes of disease, such prevention can take place in several forms. It may include balanced diet and regular exercise, timely vaccination and drugs. Prevention is as important as the treatment of any disease. Ancient Greek practitioners held that harmonizing the four fundamental fluids or ‘humours’ in the body was vital for health. So they recommended their patients various methods to sustain good humoral balance.

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Siddha is an olden system of medicine prevailing in South India. Siddha is a Tamil word for perfection. According to Siddha, an individual is a microcosm of the universe. Our body constitute of five primordial elements - earth, water, fire, air and space. Apart from that, it also has the three humours- vatha, pitta and kapha and seven physical constituents. We need food regularly as the basic building material of the human body, which gets processed into humours, tissues and wastes. Health of a body is maintained by having equilibrium of humours. Disturbance or discrepancy leads to an unhealthy state. Equal importance on the body, mind and spirit is being given which strives to restore the essential synchronization of the individual. An unhealthy body is treated by restoring balance to the mind-body system. Several factors play key role in maintaining health and also in curing diseases, factors such as diet, lifestyle, yoga and meditation.

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Ayurveda is one of the ancient methods for prevention and treatment. It means understanding of life as Ayur means life and Veda means science or knowledge. Ayurveda believes in preserving the body, mind and soul. Ayurveda is believed to be preventive by maintaining good personal hygiene like regularly washing hands, taking bath every day and brushing teeth twice a day, eating balanced food at specified time according to different season, performing physical exercises and sleeping for enough hours. Ayurveda recommends use of certain agents to improve longevity, boost immunity level, enhance mental abilities and prevent ageing. Yoga exercises are suggested by Ayurveda for a healthy body, mind and soul. Yoga not just benefits in preventing diseases by maintaining the stability of doshas but also helps in treating some diseases.

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Traditional Chinese Medicines

Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has progressed over thousands of years. TCM practitioners use numerous mind and body practices as well as herbal products to deal with health problems. After forming a consistent picture of the pattern of misbalance, TCM specialist can formulate a preventive measure to restore the same balance. TCMs are used for various types of illnesses. Some go through TCM therapy only. Traditional Chinese medicine practices, such as acupuncture and tai chi, might help uplift quality of life and certain pain conditions.

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External Heat

External heat therapy most commonly known as Hyperthermia treatment uses heat to extinguish disease cells and shrink tumors. Heat can do damage or kill disease cells. Heat also harms blood vessels inside of tumors which in turn let less blood flow to the tumor, hindering its growth. Specialists give special attention to the temperature used in hyperthermia treatment to carefully monitor the limit that can damage normal cells and tissues. It has been proven in researches that heat can power up immunity that may help fight serious illnesses. Hyperthermia treatment is also called thermal therapy or thermotherapy. Hyperthermia may be combined with other types of health preventive measures. When the cells are damaged during hyperthermia, it can make them more vulnerable to the effects of chemotherapy and radiation therapy, making it more effective. Hyperthermia treatments may be given in a variety of ways like, small or large area of body or whole body.

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Sauna Bath

Sauna bath and sweat baths have been used to rinse out toxins and infections so as to maintain the best health, physical and mental. Saunas can help in preventing numerous illnesses. Sauna could be considered as a method to fight diseases as it helps in removal of toxins and enhances immunity along with eradicating harmful infections in the body. As we already know that heat therapy was used in early time as well. More than 2,000 years ago, the famous Greek physician Parmenides was of the opinion that if he had the power to create fever, he could cure any illness. Modern medicine has now come to take note that patients who ran a fever sometimes recovered faster. Saunas are not exactly as effective as hyperthermia treatments but infrared saunas can warm up the body a few degrees and cause a fever. Infrared saunas provide a form of whole-body hyperthermia that boosts health in many ways.

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Russian Banya

Banya, one of the ancient Russian traditions, is a type of sauna. This tradition is several centuries old but its abilities to treat several diseases are not taken for granted, making the banya popular even today. One can find banyas anywhere, regardless of being in a large city or a small town. Russians, who own summer cottages, usually have their own banya built. It is a well-known fact that Russian banya has many benefits. Hot vapour from the banya helps in cleansing the skin and making it soft and smooth. The Russian banya helps the body to fight against sicknesses by removing harmful elements from the body. A special bath-broom is used for that purpose. Women who are having difficulty with their body weight are suggested to go to the banya once a week. It is a popular saying that "The day you spend in the banya is the day you do not age.”

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Japanese Toji

"Toji," is known as the practice of bathing in hot springs that is rich in minerals, as a form of balneotherapy. Since ancient times, this custom has been passed down in Japan as a culture. “Toji” in Japanese means "hot water cure", as a medical cure which involves staying in for a stretched time at a hot spring ryokan (traditional Japanese inn) to absorb the curing benefits of Toji into one's body. It has been proven that Toji aids in recovery. Not only that, it also helps in the treatment and prevention of a multiplicity of diseases. In current times, the benefit of Toji is typically enjoyed by residing at a ryokan prepared for onsen therapy. People usually stay 2-3 nights. The main aim of such ryokan is to aid visitors refresh themselves and let go of the stress and exhaustion of everyday life.

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Turkey Thermal Spa Treatment

Turkey has a rich culture when it comes to hot springs and healing waters. Since ancient time, locals as well as people from neighbouring states were drawn to the hot springs of Anatolia. Civilizations that flourished the city also were attracted towards the spa treatment. Today, Turkey has become one of top countries when it comes to health tourism with more than 1,000 springs. Among popular thermal spa, Çeşme is a famous resort town, which provides relief from various types of diseases with its thermal water which comes from the sea. According to hotel executives, the thermal water is enriched with relief for are post-traumatic treatments, rheumatic diseases and dermatological issues.

Did you know that body temperature plays a significant role in metabolism?

It is a known fact that a number of factors affect our metabolism like how much we eat, at what time we eat, how frequently we eat, how much we sleep, how much we exercise and many such factors. So, in order for our body to function, we need enough metabolism which is a chemical process to transform the food we eat into energy for every part of your body to function. Metabolism is higher when our body needs more energy for daily bodily functions; on the contrary, metabolism is lower when our body needs less energy for daily bodily functions. Now think of all the activities our bodies perform on a daily basis – breathing, walking, sitting, thinking, eating, maintaining heart beat and many such functions. To maintain itself, our body uses up calories at a fixed metabolic rate.

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Our body maintains an average temperature of around 37 degrees Celsius. When we enter into a region which differs from this temperature, either hot or cold, our body generates more energy by shivering or by sweating just to maintain its ideal temperature. This will possibly make you think that people who live in an area with extreme climate, have increased metabolic rate. As a matter of fact, the increase in the metabolic rate only lasts for a short time. As time passes, cells begin to adapt to the changed climate in order to maintain its normal temperature. That is the reason why the habitants living in cold or hot area are not much affected by the climate as compared to the visitors.